SHIKEUS’s first half of 2022 summary and the second half of the plan meeting were successfully held

On July 20, Shikues’s first half year summary meeting in 2022 was successfully held. Representatives of the company’s management and outstanding employees attended the meeting. The conference system summarizes and reviews the development of various tasks in the first half of 2022, and deploys and plans key tasks for the second half of the year.
Yan Xiaodong, general manager of Shikues, summarized the work in the first half of the year based on two important indicators of finance and business, sorted out the difficulties and highlights in detail, and arranged the deployment of key tasks in the second half of the year. He fully affirmed the achievements and shortcomings in epidemic prevention and control and economic development in the first half of the year, and emphasized that in the context of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, we must rise to the challenge. Do a good job in customer service, and everything is customer-centric. At the meeting, the heads of various departments summarized the work in the first half of the year and deeply analyzed the existing bottlenecks. And deploy the work in the second half of the year.
The convening of the summary meeting is not just a summary of the results. It is a summary of Shike’s global layout and customer-centricity. Through this semi-annual summary meeting, Shike will actively give full play to its own advantages and strengths, serve customers better, more professionally and better, and practice products as king , the core value of customer first.